Hello! My name is AJ. I am a Kinesiologist, Personal Trainer, small business owner of Train With AJ and all-around movement enthusiast.
For my first blog post, I thought I'd share a little about myself and my journey.

Starting out
All my life I've been fascinated by movement. Let's just say I could dance before I could walk.
I was a competitive dancer for most of my younger years and jumped at every dance audition for local performance gigs that I could get my hands on.

I joined as many sports teams that could fit my schedule in school. I dove head first to try new things like bouldering and MMA, and loved outdoor activities.
As my fiery passion for movement grew, I fell in love with teaching movement and rehabilitation. I worked as a physiotherapy assistant, strength and conditioning coach, group exercise instructor, dance teacher, and sports instructor.
However, I've never had the best luck with my health. I had (and still have) a very sensitive immune system - leading to frequent illness, digestive issues, skin inflammation, anxiety issues, multiple injuries and chronic fatigue at a young age.

Since I was in high school, I took many trips to the E.R. for many different reasons.
It was debilitating. I never wanted to stop being active. I dreamed about the next performance I'd do, or the next Spartan Race I'd partake in, but I always felt limited; either I wasn't feeling well, or I didn't have enough energy to.
That's where my dedication to my health journey began. I was fascinated in health before, but after my 3rd E.R. trip, I realized it was time to make my health an absolute priority.
If anyone was going to change my health for the better, it had to be, and was only going to be me.
Not my partner, not my friends, not my family, not even my doctors could change my health. If I wanted real change, it had to start with every conscious decision I would make.
Since then, I've read dozens of books, listened to podcasts, taken multiple course all on health. I've improved my physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health little by little. It's far from perfect, but I'm in a much better state than ever before.

"If anyone was going to change my health for the better, it had to be, and was only going to be me."
The story goes on...
I started my personal training business Train With AJ in November 2020. My goal was to help people move better, get active, and share my love of fitness. My goal with this blog is to share my story, the things I've learned, and help others make their health an absolute priority.

I dare you to start by asking yourself: "Is my health the #1 priority in my life?"
Follow me as I document my journey, in hopes to help you navigate yours!
- AJ